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Mr. Marco Loprieno 


  • 約翰·霍普金斯大學高級國際研究學院,博洛尼亞和華盛頓特區國際關係和國際經濟與歐洲研究碩士。

  • 1985-1987 Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna (Italy) and Washington DC (US), Master of Arts in International Relations and International Economics, Concentration on European Studies

  • 1982 University of Pisa (Italy), Political Science Faculty, Department of Sociology, Degree. Magna cum laude

  • 排放交易監測、報告與查核(MRV)的專家,為歐盟委員會氣候行動總署主席。

  • 自2012年以來,在國際碳市場團隊裡,負責協助中國建立排放交易技術援助的成員。目前也協助南韓及東南亞地區ETS技術援助,同時協助歐盟制定海事部門溫室氣體MRV的政策。

  • 加入歐盟之前,Marco Loprieno在化工業負責管理階層的工作,並擔任國際環境與能源問題的國際顧問。1995年加入歐盟環境總署合作發展部門。2005年至2012年負責歐盟排放交易體系的立法及MRV的政策制定。

  • 2012年6月至今:任職於執委會氣候行動總署國際碳市場、航空及海運組。國際碳市場小組成員。負責統合EU ETS與東南亞技術合作事務。負責與世界銀行市場準備夥伴計畫(PMR)之MRV機制技術協助。負責會員國ETS非正式組織事務協調。​

  • July 2012 to the present: CLIMA.B.3 International Carbon Market, Aviation and Maritime. Member of the International Carbon Market Team. Responsible for coordinating European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) Technical Cooperation in South-East Asia with particular focus to the People's Republic of China. Responsible for MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) technical assistance to the World Bank Programme Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR). Responsible for coordinating the informal ETS outreach group with Member States.

  • February 2010 to June 2012: CLIMA.A.3 Monitoring, Reporting, Verification Unit. Responsible for the EU ETS MRV. Responsible for the establishment of the new Monitoring and Reporting Regulation and the new Accreditation and Verification Regulation, according to Articles 14 and 15 of the revised ETS Directive.

  • April 2005 to February 2010: ENV.C.4/C.2/C.3: Responsible for the EU ETS MRV. During these five years I focused on the implementation of the EU ETS MRV with special attention to compliance. Furthermore I developed, together with colleagues, the additional annexes related to new gases (N2O), new sectors (Aviation), new activities (CCS).

  • I established the EU ETS Compliance Forum composed by the main national and regional ETS Competent Authorities. I established the MR&V (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) network of national experts with the aim of coordinating an EU common approach. I wasresponsible for the review of the ETS Directive with respect to MRV issues.

  • May 2002 to March 2005: DEV/B/3 Human and Social Development Unit in DG DEV. Responsible for preparing and negotiating the Strategic Partnership between the Commission and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in the field of development, signed 15-16 July 2004. Responsible for Corporate Social Responsibility: setting-up of the CSR Development Roundtable, chaired by DEV. Responsible for promoting Core Labour Standards (governance and social dialogue). Responsible forChildren (project on child labour and education). Gender Equality: responsible for the Revision of Regulation 2836/98, COM (2003)465. New Regulation adopted on 21 April 2004, Regulation (EC) 806/2004.

  • March 2000 to April 2002: Climate Change Unit of the “Global and International Affairs” Directorate in DG ENV. Co-ordination of the activities of the European Climate Change Programme (ECCP), a multi-stakeholder exercise with Industry, NGOs and Member States. Responsible for preparing a Communication “on the implementation of the first phase of the European Climate Change Programme”, COM (2001)580.Participation to the UNFCCC negotiations with respect to Monitoring and Reporting Issues.

  • January 1997 to March 2000: DG XI.E.4. Responsible for the co-ordination of the implementation activities linked to the Community Eco-label award scheme, (coordination of a team of 5-6 persons, 250 products eco-labelled, relations with Consumer and Environment NGOs, widespread contacts with European and global industry (appliances, electronics, paper, chemicals). Responsible for the Revision of the Eco-label Regulation. Chairman of the Eco-label Regulatory Committee.

  • September 1995 to December 1996: DG XI.E.4. Desk officer in the Eco-label sector.

  • February 1994 to August 1995. Italian Chemical Industry Trade Association (Federchimica) Milan. Responsible for international environmental policy and for the Program on Restructuring of Industrial Areas.

  • 1992 - 1994. Ferruzzi Finanziaria (Ferruzzi-Montedison Group – Agro-industry) Milan. Assistant to the Executive Director for International Affairs, Mr Giandomenico Picco. Responsible for a team of 4 persons.

  • 1988 - 1992. Montedison/Montecatini Spa (Chemicals), Milan. Environmental Adviser to the Vice-Chairman, Mr Italo Trapasso.

  • 1988 Environmental Resources Limited, (ERM) London. Consultant.

  • 1987-1988 European Commission, DGXI, Chemicals Unit, Trainee.

  • 1984- 1987 Biological Research Planning Sas, Pisa. Consultant.

  • 1983- 1984 Military Service, Italy, Lieutenant in the army (infantry).

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