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Mr. Alistair Ritchie

  • 英國公開大學M.B.A與英國諾丁漢大學化學工程學歷​

  • MBA, Open University, UK (2001)

  • BEng (Hons), Chemical Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK (1989)


  • 曾任ICF歐盟排放交易體系(EU ETS)的首席顧問、EuropeAid 中國大陸ETS 技術支援計劃的技術總監,目前為Ritchie政策顧問公司總監​

  • Alistair Ritchie is a leading specialist in EU and International climate mitigation and energy policy development, with over 20 years of consultancy experience. He is a Chartered Chemical Engineer with an MBA. Alistair is a key developer of the EU ETS, through numerous European Commission (EC) and UK Government studies including:  

  • Phase 4 EU ETS design (2021 to 2030): Evaluation of Phase 3 and Impact Assessment of Phase 4 design options including allocation, carbon leakage, Modernisation Fund, Innovation Fund, etc.

  • Phase 3 EU ETS design (2013 to 2020): Impact Assessment of Phase 3 design options including scope expansion, cap setting, allocation, MRVA, offset mechanisms and linking; Impact Assessment of Phase 3 benchmark (BM) design options for allocation.

  • EU ETS allocation: Assessment of impacts of Phase 3 BM-based allocation; development of Phase 3 BMs; verification of Phase 3 BM methodologies and values; development of Phase 2 BMs.

  • Impact of EU ETS: Decomposition analysis of role of EU ETS in driving GHG emission reductions; assessment of impacts on Low-Carbon Actions and Investments of EU ETS; review of EU ETS implementation in UK.

  • Communications on ETS Design, including development of detailed ETS guide, and development of low carbon action case studies of EU ETS installations.  

  • Alistair is Team Leader of a €3.5m, 3 year EC technical assistance project supporting the Korean Government in the implementation, operation and development of the Korean Emissions Trading System (KETS). This project is focusing on carbon price modelling, ETS compliance and trading strategies, BM-based allocation, auctioning and verification, with delivery of technical assistance through technical workshops, expert round table dialogue, EU study assignments, helpdesk and knowledge management system. 

  • Alistair was Technical Director of a €5m, 3 year EC technical assistance project supporting NDRC and key Chinese stakeholders in development of China’s National ETS; he was Leader of assessment of economic, energy and air pollution impacts of China’s National ETS and was Leader of Taiwan ETS allocation design and gap analysis studies.

  • Alistair has substantial additional climate mitigation policy experience including Impact Assessment and policy implementation studies. Policy areas have included the EU Semester; Renewable Energy Directive; energy efficiency policies; Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Directive; shale gas policy; Fuel Quality Directive; F-gases; maritime sector GHG emissions; and Mainstreaming Climate Change into EU Funds.        

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